Aches and Pains - Active People Get Them


06/28/2008 22:29

What is Chondroitin?

To learn What is Chondroitin I've assembled some exerpted facts and their referenced article locations.   Chondroitin is made from animal cartilage - usually cow or shark. [16] Chondroitin is frequently used with glucosamine. Glucosamine has independently been demonstrated to benefit patients...


06/07/2008 16:31

Don't buy CosaminDS brand Glucosamine/Chondtroitin until you've read this.

My Experience With CosaminDS Glucosamine and Chondroitin are supposed to be good for your joint pains. My knees were stiff, sore and swollen, suddenly after about 25 years of regular exercising.  Not wanting to cut back on all the fun I'd been having, I looked into what I could do.  I...


05/20/2008 08:41

Oseoarthritis of Knee and Other Joints

Osteoarthritis of Knee and Other Joints     Osteoarthritis of knees and other joints can be due to normal wear and tear. Obviously some people are effected worse than others, but virtually all active adults and geezer jocks will have at least a touch of it. Officiallly, who gets...
